Accurate & Fast Translations Delivered

Transifex offers you all the linguistic tools and automations to focus on delivering more accurate translations faster.
Powerful CAT Editor
Transifex provides translators with a space to work efficiently on content without needing to worry about handling files. The Editor is accessible from any web browser, and multiple people can translate the same file in parallel.
CAT tools
Translation Memory
Translation Memory (TM) is fundamental to translation quality and speed. Transifex offers advanced TM functionalities like Multiple TM Groups, Fuzzy Translation Memory Fillups, and TM sharing across multiple projects and similar locales.
Translation Memory
It is estimated that 15% of translation project costs arise from rework and inconsistent use of terminologies. A well-structured and maintained glossary helps you ensure your translations are more consistent.
TX Glossary
Machine Translation
Set up a pre-translation workflow to automatically machine translate content using one of the integrated MT services; Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, DeepL, Amazon Translate, and KantanMT every time a file is updated or uploaded, or use MT when you're translating content with the editor.
Machine Translation
Quality Assurance Tools
With Translation Checks, you can check each translation against a set of rules to make sure it won’t break your application when used. LexiQA is an online, API-based linguistic quality assurance tool for translation and localization.
Quality Assurance Tools Lexi QA
Powerful CAT Features
The interface is very appealing. The number of features is very impressive. The customer support is above expectations. I'm happy that they implemented several features after receiving our requests. I also enjoy the visual context tool, smart TM, and suggestions.
Vladimir N., Head of Localization
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